Gift Cards

Encoding and decoding URLs for gift cards

Use gift card codes with care. Anyone who knows the code has full access to the gift card funds.

Encoding Gift-Card Parameters

To create gift-card URL code invoke the following method:

async codeForGiftCard(giftCard: GiftCardProperties): Promise<string>


giftCard - a GiftCardProperties object which contains all needed parameters to encode


Promise returns Base58-encoded string which can be injected into the redeeming URL


const gk: GiftCardProperties = {
    sk: new Uint8Array(
        [ 40, 169, 173, 13, 42, 145, 224, 222, 213, 124, 226, 142, 126, 241, 6, 1,
          42, 133, 48, 12, 96, 66, 213, 158, 112, 225, 75, 198, 172, 82, 148, 3 ]
    birthIndex: 533888,
    poolAlias: 'BOB-sepolia',
    balance: 10000000000n
const code = await zkClient.codeForGiftCard(gk);
const baseURL = '';
console.log(`Redeem gift-card with: ${baseURL}/?gift-code=${code}`);
// output: Redeem gift-card with: 

Decoding a Gift-Card Code

Use the following method to retrieve a gift-card from the code or URL containing the code:

async giftCardFromCode(code: string): Promise<GiftCardProperties>


code - a gift-card code or URL contained code within the gift-code query parameter.


Promise returns the GiftCardProperties of a decoded card. Errors may return InternalError.


const url = '';
try {
    const gk = await zkClient.giftCardFromCode(url);
    console.log(`This card with balance ${gk.balance} intended for ${gk.poolAlias} pool`);
} catch (err) {
    console.log(`An error was occured while parsing the gift-card: ${err.message}`);
// output: This card with balance 100000000000 intended for BOB-sepolia pool

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