Sending Transactions

Deposit, transfers and withdrawals

Depositing Funds

Send tokens to the privacy pool

async deposit(
    amountGwei: bigint,
    signatureCallback: (request: SignatureRequest) => Promise<string>,
    fromAddress: string,
    relayerFee?: RelayerFee,
    blockNumber?: number,
): Promise<string>
See Also


amountGwei - token amount to deposit into an account (in pool dimension)

signatureCallback - a callback with SignatureRequest which invoked when needed to ask user to sign data

The signature request type depends on deposit scheme which set in the pool configuration during library init. Currently all deployments use SignatureType.TypedDataV4 signature

fromAddress - the 0x-address which will be used to depositing funds

relayerFee - a raw relayer fee object which will be used to estimate total transaction fee (will requested under the hood when undefined)

blockNumber - the client waits until the internal provider becomes synced with the specified block before the input account balance (and allowance if applicable) validation. The waiting interval is hardcoded to 60 seconds. If the provider does not become synced within that interval the transaction is sent.


Promise returns jobId returned by relayer which can be use to monitor transaction


const jobId = await zkClient.depositPermittable(
      100000000000n, // 100 BOB in pool dimension
      async (signingRequest) => {
          switch (signingRequest.type) {
          case SignatureType.TypedDataV4:
              // is an object for typed signature
              // which contains domain, types, primaryType and message fields
              return signTypedData(; // use a 3rd-party lib to sign
          case SignatureType.PersonalSign:
              // is hex-string representation of signing data
              return sign(; // use a 3rd-party lib to sign
              throw new Error(`Signing request with unknown type`);
      '0x49C92c016d2c7A245aAF5351BD932D9D61536eC0',    // depositor address
      undefined    // the actual relayer fee will be requested under the hood
console.log(`Deposit sent to the relayer. A job with ID ${jobId} has been assigned`)
// output: Deposit sent to the relayer. A job with ID 42 has been assigned

Transfer Funds Inside a Pool

Transfer tokens inside a pool to the requested addresses. The function creates a set of transactions (needed to process requests), sends it to the relayer in sequence order and returns a set of job IDs assigned by relayer

async transferMulti(
    transfers: TransferRequest[],
    relayerFee?: RelayerFee
): Promise<string[]>

This routine may produce several transactions in rare cases when you have a lot of unspent notes. It can increase overall fee needed for transferring requested funds amount. Please refer to the examples described here to better understanding notes aggregation flow


transfers - a set of transfer destinations. A single destination should contain the receiver shielded address and associated funds amount to transfer

Please keep in mind the single transaction can include up to 127 output notes, i.e. if your request contains more than 127 destination addresses additional transactions can be created

relayerFee - a raw relayer fee object which will be used to estimate total transaction fee (will requested under the hood when undefined)


Promise returns array of job IDs (each sent transaction associated with the unique job ID assigned by relayer)


transfers = [{
   // Alice will receives 15 BOB
   destination: zkbob_sepolia:CFSGGVWQpmwxmHEiZ123PXKVxbpv3LthegaSiwS1RKW1o5ExL3zRSRTg3TR9sHF,
   amountGwei: 15000000000n
}, {
   // Bob will receive 42 BOB
   destination: zkbob_sepolia:ELg4LcwsynhEaZWh9SNgWBbK7Xg2tjVyTNCgaxvoy4c7jLNudcJqAdL459RHBdg
   amountGwei: 42000000000n
const jobIds = await zkClient.transferMulti(transfers);
console.log(`Accepted by relayer. Job(s) ${jobIds.join(', ')} created`)
// output: Accepted by relayer. Job(s) 43 created

Withdraw Funds From the Pool

Withdraw tokens to the 0x-address. The function creates a set of transactions (needed to process withdraw), sends it to the relayer and returns a set of job IDs assigned by relayer

async withdrawMulti(
    address: string,
    amountGwei: bigint,
    swapAmount: bigint,
    relayerFee?: RelayerFee
): Promise<string[]>

This routine may produce several transactions in rare cases when you have a lot of unspent notes. It can increase overall fee needed for the funds withdrawal. Please refer to the examples described here to better understanding notes aggregation flow

See Also


address - a 0x destination address to the sending withdrawn tokens

amountGwei - tokens amount to be withdrawn (in pool dimension)

swapAmount - part of amountGwei which requested to swap to the native coins on withdrawal (in pool dimension)

Swap ability doesn't supported on the each pool. Use method maxSupportedTokenSwap to request how many tokens you can swap on the waithdrawal transaction

relayerFee - a raw relayer fee object which will be used to estimate total transaction fee (will requested under the hood when undefined)


Promise returns array of job IDs (each sent transaction associated with the unique job ID assigned by relayer)


const jobIds = await zkClient.withdrawMulti(
    25000000000n, // withdraw 25 BOB
    5000000000n,  // swap 5 (of 25 BOB) to MATIC
console.log(`Accepted by relayer. Job(s) ${jobIds.join(', ')} created`)
// output: Accepted by relayer. Job(s) 44 created

Last updated

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