Shielded Addresses

Used to transfer funds inside a privacy pool

Generate Shielded Address (pool specific)

A regular shielded address for the currently selected privacy pool (aka pool-specific address).

async generateAddress(): Promise<string>

The shielded address has a human-readable prefix to indicate which privacy pool it belongs to. Do not remove this: the address without the prefix considered invalid.


Promise returns the shielded address for the current pool.


console.log(`${await zkClient.generateAddress()}`);
// output: zkbob_sepolia:MrjNRn4ja5ctEW5PVFkZDe6XG97ZNCCHtgchKGzUgbrQDYUf26PikByp61oDVD9

Generate Universal Shielded Address

A universal shielded address for use with any privacy pool (aka generic address).

async generateUniversalAddress(): Promise<string>


Promise returns the shielded address for any pool


console.log(`${await zkClient.generateAddress()}`);
// output: zkbob:6aSJjrJ7F6kcoEzvKwiYwFSWeGsPJ4rLyGiGVD6e1TYdRZdGffTcyKvmM4wHFse

Generate Shielded Address for Another Account

You can also generate a pool-specific address for another user account. To generate, you must provide the account spending key.

async generateAddressForSeed(seed: Uint8Array): Promise<string>


seed - spending key for the account generated address belongs to

It's the same parameter as provided in the during the account attaching


Promise returns the shielded address for the current pool belonging to the provided spending key


const mnemonic = 'magic trophy foil direct marriage glad bench wash doctor risk end cheap';
const sk = deriveSpendingKeyZkBob(mnemonic);
console.log(`${await zkClient.generateAddressForSeed(sk)}`);
// output: zkbob_sepolia:SZgsuNkez8MMZJ4tvVyNCUajQNu26agnZvqJmkxdNpcTmshdfSzA2sUW1fsPVPU

Shielded Address Verification

async verifyShieldedAddress(address: string): Promise<boolean>


address - pool-specific or generic shielded address

Addresses without prefixes are deprecated, the only exception is the USDC pool on Polygon where they are allowed. Otherwise, prefix-less addresses will be marked as invalid.


Promise returns true if address checksum is correct and can be used on the current privacy pool


const address = 'zkbob:4NeCQJijr9GQKBUBkp61bdQiqB15sf42fvy3CKGeXjUqJR3GBrQKSRrkboJounM';
const isValid = await zkClient.verifyShieldedAddress(address)
console.log(`The checking address is ${!isValid ? 'IN' : ''}VALID`);
// output: The checking address is VALID

Check if a Shielded Address Belongs to an Account

async isMyAddress(address: string): Promise<boolean>


address - pool-specific or generic shielded address

Addresses without prefixes are deprecated, the only exception is the USDC pool on Polygon where they are allowed. Otherwise, prefix-less addresses will be marked as invalid.


Promise returns true if address checksum is correct, it can be used on the current privacy pool and it belongs to the current user account


const address = 'zkbob_sepolia:SZgsuNkez8MMZJ4tvVyNCUajQNu26agnZvqJmkxdNpcTmshdfSzA2sUW1fsPVPU';
const isOwn = await zkClient.isMyAddress(address)
console.log(`The address is ${!isOwn ? 'not ' : ''}belongs to our account`);
// output: The address is belongs to our account

Get Components of a Shielded Address

async addressInfo(address: string): Promise<IAddressComponents>


address - pool-specific or generic shielded address


Promise returns IAddressComponents for the provided address


const address = 'zkbob_sepolia:SZgsuNkez8MMZJ4tvVyNCUajQNu26agnZvqJmkxdNpcTmshdfSzA2sUW1fsPVPU';
const components = await zkClient.addressInfo(address)
console.log(`d = ${components.d}, P_d = ${components.p_d}`);
// output: d = 221091213303296764154858, P_d = 104205498421613002257722403946176839412231742105831354351312357543598985595

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