Login to an existing account
If password is cleared from local storage, or accessing an existing account from a new device.
When you arrive at app.zkbob.com follow the prompts to get started!
1. Get started
Press the Get started button.
2. I already have a zkAccount
3. How did you create your account?
Web3 wallet: You created your previous account by connecting MetaMask or WalletConnect to the application to generate your zkAccount.
zkBob secret phrase: You created a standalone secret phrase to create your account and have this secret phrase written down somewhere safe.
3.1 Web3 Wallet
You will see a prompt to connect your wallet. Starting from step 2, continue through the Account Creation flow to reconnect your web3 wallet, sign a message, create a password and proceed to the application.
3.2 zkBob Secret Phrase
Enter the existing secret phrase and wrote down in a secure location during initial zkAccount creation.
Follow the remaining flow from the Account Creation section to create a new password and connect to the application.
Last updated